Synopsis for “The River of Death”
As Cap follows the Rio De Muerte searching for a village, a monster emerges from the water and attacks him. Prison guards chase the “Man-Fish” away and capture the now-weakened Cap. At the SHIELD regional office, Nelson tells two agents about File 116, which is cataloging a spate of monster appearances. He adds that, with the recent appearance of a “Digger,” the file is getting ever larger. Meanwhile, the Falcon searches the coastlines all the way to South America. Veering inland, he comes upon a giant bird’s nest. In Central America, Cap escapes the guards who throw dynamite at him. steering his flight so that he falls into a pit. As the Swine prepares to roast the trapped Cap with a flame thrower, Donna Maria intervenes. The Swine tosses her into the pit with Cap. Just then, the Man-Fish attacks, killing the Swine and his men. Cap and Donna Maria escape the pit but the Man-Fish attacks them, then suddenly returns to the river after prodded by the mental command device wielded by its master, Arnim Zola.
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