Synopsis for “Arnim Zola – The Bio-Fanatic”
Arnim Zola summons his creation, Doughboy, who uses his pliable, adhesive body to capture Cap and Donna Maria. Zola joins them and Doughboy levitates them all to the edges of space. Meanwhile, Nelson visits Sharon, who is home from the hospital, and shows her File 116. Telling her, “Someone is playing Frankenstein with the world” by creating monsters, Nelson puts Sharon back on active SHIELD duty. As Doughboy travels through the stratosphere, Cap realizes Zola is the man behind File 116. Cap attacks Zola but Primus, another genetic creation, emerges from Doughboy and retaliates. Elsewhere, the Falcon pursues the resident of the giant bird’s nest and flies directly into a boulder avalanche. Meanwhile, Primus defeats Cap and claims Donna Maria as his prize.
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