Synopsis for “The Adventures of Captain America”
Pvt. Steve Rogers and James Barnes are on KP duty at Fort Lehigh when Sgt. Duffy informs them they’ve been given two week’s furlough. By order of the President, they report to Democracy Pictures as Captain America and Bucky to guard the serial “Adventures of Captain America” against Axis sabotage. Parachuting in, the heroes meet movie star Sundown Dawson who introduces them to Lyle Dekker, Democracy’s special effects man. Meeting the director, Bucky is chagrined to discover he’s not represented in the serial, and that Cap’s secret identity is a District Attorney. While filming the fourth chapter, the stuntman is shot, and Captain America takes his place for the rest of filming. Later, Dekker reports to Red Skull and rigs a heat ray to kill Captain America. When the ray is fired during filming, Captain America destroys the device. Dekker takes Bucky hostage and escapes by truck, so Captain America pursues on motorcycle. Captain America catches up and overpowers Dekker, forcfng the truck off a cliff. Dekker seemingly dies while Captain America and Bucky are rescued by Sundown Dawson and Six-Gun. Steve and James attend the first chapter showing of the “Adventures of Captain America” serial.
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