Synopsis for “Monumental Menace”
A Volkswagen Beetle crashes through Captain America’s third story window and chases Cap around his apartment. Cap escapes and uses a neighbor’s phone to check in with the Avengers and Nick Fury, finding both Veda and Falcon uncharacteristically MIA. After Cap leaves, the neighbor removes her mask revealing Veda underneath, who checks in with Kligger. As Steve Rogers, he travels to the Pentagon to resume his search for his deraty. vnch eads him to an unfamiliar Maryland home. Steve investigates at the local newspaper office, the “Weekly Splay.” The paper’s editor, Will Quigly, knew the Rogers’ and tells Steve his parents died in a plane crash in 1955, their older son Mike died at Pearl Harbor and their younger son Steve hasn’t been heard from in years. Retreating to the Lincoln Memorial to think, the Lincoln statue comes to life and attacks. Cap fights back reluctantly, destroying the statue. Animus emerges to kill Cap personally.
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