Synopsis for “The Deadly Gauntlet”
Captain America runs through the bowels of the helicarrier, hounded by an army of Red Skulls. In the control room, the true Red Skull gloats. When the sun rises momentarily, its rays will be reflected through a magnifying prism, killing the chained Nick Fury. Soon afterward, Cap defeats a Skull sentry and enters a parlor, where Red Skull awaits. Cap throws his shield, but it’s caught in Red Skull’s magnetic barrier. Skull alerts Cap that the rising sun is about to kill Fury, and warns Cap that if he attacks or tries to save Fury, he will activate the Deaths-Head ray sooner than planned. Recalling Bucky’s death, Cap appears frozen with indecision, allowing the rising sun to cook Fury. When Skull taunts Cap, the Avenger lashes out, capturing the control unit and deactivating the Death’s-Head satellite, causing it to explode. “Skull” changes back into Nick Fury and collapses. Cap tells Fury that he had tricked Red Skull: noticing that the captured Nick Fury wasn’t sweating, he had realized it was actually an LMD.
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