Synopsis for “The Sins of the Fathers”
The story opens with school superintendent, Martin Harris, being pursued by a costumed Joe Smith. Joe kills Martin. Captain America later encounters Joe tearing up a high rise Federal Building. The two fight but Cap is unable to capture him. Joe destroys a Social Security machine and escapes.
Steve Rogers’ neighbor, Josh Cooper, is able to tell Steve about Joe’s situation. Joe’s son, Joey, was a special needs child who had recently died. Joe seems to blame the School Superintendent (for slashing funding), the Social Security System, and Larry Sawyer a social worker who worked with his son Joey. Steve shadows Joe’s last potential victim: Larry Sawyer. Joe does attack Larry on the subway. Steve changes into uniform and again confronts Joe. This time Cap tells Joe that he knows his situation, but killing people is not the answer. Joe eventually breaks down and stops his pursuit of vengeance.
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