Synopsis for “Death, Where Is Thy Sting?”
Captain America frees himself from Dragon Man’s grip by throwing his glove into Dragon Man’s eye. Retrieving his shield, Cap smashes the drone buzzing round, freeing Dragon Man from its influence, then follows as Dragon Man heads off to confront Machinesmith. Meanwhile, as Josh and Bernie watch Mike’s fireman unit put out a fire Dragon Man started, Bernie realizes she is concerned for the absent Steve, and wonders how deep her feelings run for a man she has only just met. Dragon Man destroys a barn to reveal a hidden entrance, and Cap follows Dragon Man inside. Machinesmith attacks and incapacitates Dragon Man. When Cap confronts Machinesmith, his head falls off, revealing him to be a robot, and another Machinesmith taunts Cap as several robots attack simultaneously Cap fights his way through the onslaught pursuing Machinesmith, who continues to jump between robot bodies. After explaining how his mind came to reside within a machine, he attacks Cap with a Machinesmith army. Noticing they are guarding a computer bank, Cap attacks it deactivating the robots. As the damaged computer deactivates, Machinesmith reveals it houses his consciousness, and thanks Cap for helping him end a life no longer worth living.
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