Synopsis for “Blockbuster!”
Steve Rogers and Bernie Rosenthal enjoy an evening of big band music and carriage rides, until an explosion rocks the building next door. Steve responds as Captain America, saving the building’s residents, but is caught by falling debris. A firefighter, Sam Douglas, is killed rescuing Cap. Later, Blockbuster, the arsonist responsible for the explosion, reports to Harry, a land developer who hired him to torch the building so he could buy the property cheap. Meanwhile, Steve, Josh, Bernie and Anna try to cheer up Mike, who knew Sam. The next night Captain America and the police patrol the neighborhood, looking for the arsonist. Blockbuster suddenly attacks Cap. During their battle Cap manages to disable Blockbuster’s fire-suit and strip him of it, but Blockbuster pulls a gun on Cap. Mike’s arriving fire squad disables Blockbuster with a fire hose. The police arrest Blockbuster, planning to use the pending murder charge as leverage for his boss’ identity. Days later, the Daily Bugle reports on Harry’s arrest.
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