Synopsis for “Celluloid Heroes”
Steve Rogers spends a night on the town with Sam Wilson and Josh Cooper. The trio happens across a mugging, so Josh gets the police. When Josh returns, Steve and Sam have already defeated the muggers but the police warn them to let the authorities handle it next time. The next day, Captain America and Falcon report to Avengers Mansion. They learn that Galactic Films is filming a new Captain America movie and that a new Nomad is patrolling the streets of Los Angeles. Cap visits Galactic Films as an excuse to investigate Nomad, only to be confronted by the Nihilist Order. Nomad intervenes and upstages Cap. Elsewhere, the mysterious Teacher confers with Ameridroid and prepares for his battle with Cap. At a studio press conference, a reporter reveals herself as a Nihilist Order agent. Cap tries to stop her and her accomplices, but Nomad’s upstaging gets in the way. Cap thanks Nomad anyway. Later, Nomad is punished by his secret mentor and employer Teacher for failing to discredit Captain America.
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