Synopsis for “The Garden of Fear”
Conan and Jenna, while riding through a mountain range, are attacked by savages. They manage to grab Jenna and Conan violently responds. The battle is halted by the appearance of the savages’ chief, who Conan decides to trust to the point of even joining the savages in their frenzied dances. The next morning Conan and Jenna prepare to leave, but the girl is snatched by a winged creature and taken beyond the cliffs; Conan gives chase. The valleys Conan enters contains all number of exotic animals and greenery, finally reaching a lighthouse-like tower in the second valley. An ebony, winged man steps out and tosses man into the odd looking flowers below. The flowers promptly kill and suck the blood out of the man, much to Conan’s horror. The creature, noting Conan, goes inside but returns a moment later and dangles Jenna above the man-eating plants. With no way to reach the tower, Conan returns to the animals in the first valley, and lights a fire to herd a group of elephants towards the tower. The beasts trample the field of flowers and Conan climbs the tower walls. He fights the creature to the death, and, uninterested in the mysteries of the tower and its owner, Conan leads Jenna out of the Valley.
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