Synopsis for “Rogues in the House / The Talons of Thak”
Part 1: Rogues in the House Conan sits in chains in a Corinthian jail, betrayed by Jenna. Murilo, a Corinthian lord comes to the jail with an offer to free the barbarian if he kills Nabonidus, the secret head of the city, as the lord is concerend with the Red Priest’s pillaging ways. The plan hits a snag when Murilo’s agent in the jail, Athicus, is imprisoned himself. Murilo decides to take matters into his own hands and deal with the Red Priest himself. Meanwhile, Conan escapes on his own, seeking vengeance on Jenna. He finds and kills Igon on the way, then throws Jenna off the roof into the steaming garbage in the alley. He then turns his sights on Nabonidus.
Part 2: The Talons of Thak Conan sneaks onto the priest’s grounds, narrowly avoiding trapped sewer tunnels and encounters Murilo, who has been sneaking through the sewer tunnels himself after confronting Nabonidus and discovering the priest is in reality a brutish ape-monster. Further investigation in the tunnels finds the unconscious body of Nabonidus himself. The priest comes to and explains that the creature Murilo encountered was Thak, an ape-man captured as a cub by Nabonidus to be a servant. Thak began to get ambitions of his own and cold-cocked his master, taking his place on the throne. Conan also discovers that Murilo is not as noble as he seems, as he had been selling state secrets. The three rogues go to confront Thak and observe him through two-way mirrors rampaging through the house. Eventually, the men are trapped in a locked room as Thak storms at them. Conan and Murilo manage to slay the giant beast. Nabonidus takes the opportunity to try and sneak away, but is slain by a thrown dagger from Conan. Conan decides to leave Corinthia entirely.
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