Synopsis for “Mind-Wave and His Fearsome Think Tank”
This story opens with the Jester disintegrating the individual who has helped him smear Foggy Nelson in his quest for re-election as New York City’s District Attorney. These commercials have also created unrest in the city with a wave of sensational TV scenes. Meanwhile, new District Attorney Blake Tower has asked Daredevil to meet and assist the mentalist Uri Geller and help solve a crime spree in New York. Geller believes that his nemesis Mind-Wave, who he have previously confronted in Europe, is behind some criminal plot in the city. Geller’s perceptions tell him Mind-Wave will strike on Wall Street. Daredevil rushes to the scene to fight Mind-Wave and his minions. Geller also arrives and assists DD with his incredible mental powers that can bend and remove steel bars from their moorings. The two defeat Mind-Wave and our tale ends on an upbeat note.
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