Synopsis for “Exile to Oblivion!”
Dr. Strange, Red Guardian, and Power Man wake up to find themselves exiled by Nebulon to a dimension full of various terrors that seek their death. While in Earth’s reality, Jack Norriss revives and informs Kyle Richmond that the others have been captured by Nebulon’s cult and the two leave the hospital. While in prison, another altercation between Valkyrie and one of her cell mates sends Val to solitary confinement.
While the Defenders battle killer bugs and a simian creature, in the real world Nighthawk dawns his costume once more and breaks into Nebulon’s Celestial Mindcontrol cult building fighting his way into the room which leads to the dimension the other Defenders live in. Helping his fellow Defenders free themselves from that realm, the group easily defeats the attacking cultists as well as the Eel and Porcupine.
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