Synopsis for “The Merciless Puppet Master”
Having survived his previous encounter with the Fantastic Four, the Puppet Master seeks to get revenge on the Fantastic Four, deciding this time to use one of the groups other foes as his pawn in destroying the group. Creating a puppet of the Sub-Mariner, he commands the Sub-Mariner to contact Sue Storm and ask her to meet him. When she does, the Sub-Mariner captures her and takes her prisoner.
Namor then informs the rest of the Fantastic Four that he has Sue hostage, prompting her teammates to travel to Atlantis to save her. The group battles Namor and his various aquatic defenses and manage to free Susan from the air bubble she is trapped in and defeat the octopus protecting it. The Octopus in turns attacks the Puppet Master’s submarine destroying it. With the sub destroyed, the Sub-Mariner regains control of himself and offers Susan a chance to rule by his side. Sue refuses preferring to stay with Reed and the Fantastic Four are allowed to depart.
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