Synopsis for “Death of a Hero!”
Following another failed experiment to change the Thing back into Ben Grimm leads to a near success only with Ben having violent amnesia, forcing Reed to restore Ben back to his Thing form. Meanwhile, the Super-Skrull manages to free himself from his prison and takes the place of Franklin Richards, having Franklin transported to the Skrull homeworld.
When Sue and Johnny go to visit their father, “Franklin” breaks out of prison and starts terrorizing the city as the Invincible Man. After unsuccessfully defeating him in their first battle, Reed builds a device that reveals Invincible Man’s true identity as the Super-Skrull. The FF arrange to trade the defeated Super-Skrull for Franklin Storm. However the Skrulls double cross the FF by booby-trapping Franklin’s body. Rather than see his children be killed, Franklin sacrifices himself to insure that they are not harmed.
After his final words telling his children how proud he is of them, Franklin dies. When the police arrive, Reed tells them that Franklin Storm died a hero.
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