Synopsis for “Calamity on the Campus!”
When Reed Richards takes the Fantastic Four back to his old alma mater at State University to give a lecture, they come across Professor Gilbert, who is constructing a giant Dragon Man android to study super-humans. Meanwhile in Transylvania, Diablo frees himself from his prison, and vows revenge on the Fantastic Four, using a potion to transport him to the United States.
As the Fantastic Four hob-nob around State U., Diablo arrives and offers Professor Gilbert aid in bringing Dragon Man to life. They succeed, but the beast is under Diablo’s control and he sends the creature on a rampage. It battles the Fantastic Four, but the creature shows affection towards Sue. When Gilbert pleads Diablo to stop Dragon Man the FF arrive an battle both Diablo and Dragon Man.
During the fight, Diablo uses his alchemy powers to change a nearby lake into ice, and during the fight both he and Dragon Man break through it and are sucked into underground water tunnels and seemingly perish, despite the Thing’s attempt to save them. After the battle, Reed proposes to Sue.
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