Synopsis for “Doomsday”
With their defeat at the hands of a cosmic powered Dr. Doom, Reed Richards warns the military not to attack Doom as it could spark a war which only Doom can win. Meanwhile, Doom flies around the Earth causing chaos wherever he goes, making one part of the world eclipsed in total dark, a tropical region frozen, and turning apes into super-monsters to terrorize humanity. Meanwhile in the Hidden City, Black Bolt finally decides to use his super-powerful voice to destroy the Negative Zone barrier that keeps the Inhumans sealed in the Hidden Land. Although his voice causes untold damage to the city, he manages to destroy the barrier. While Reed and the other prepare to tackle Dr. Doom one more time, the Inhuman Council decrees that the royal family must leave the Hidden Land until it is rebuilt. After their departure, Maximus tries to cease the opportunity to take over and amass an army, however, the other Inhumans ignore him. Elsewhere Dr. Doom continues to terrorize the Earth in his bid to become the planet’s master.
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