Synopsis for “The Flames of Battle –“
This story takes place after the events of Daredevil #38… Thinking that Daredevil is really Dr. Doom in disguise, the FF prepare to attack him. DD is spotted by the Human Torch, and during the attack DD is forced to douse the Torch with water and knock him out. Spotted by Spider-Man, Daredevil explains his situation, Spider-Man decides to find Daredevil some help against the FF and soon finds a weakened Thor (following his battle in Thor #150) Spider-Man manages to convince Thor to help Daredevil out. A battle rages on between Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, Thing against Daredevil, Spider-Man and Thor. Eventually the battle is stopped by the Invisible Girl who arrives to inform them that Daredevil cannot be Dr. Doom because Doom was spotted in Latveria addressing his public. After the fight is stopped, Mr. Fantastic apologizes for attacking Daredevil, and the other heroes depart.
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