Synopsis for “Above the Earth, a Titan Rages”
As Betty Ross comes to the rescue of Rick, Glenn and Bruce who are at the mercy of the Missing Link, she rams the beast with her car. As they are fleeing, Banner is grabbed by the Missing Link and the creature’s radiation causes Banner to change into the Hulk once more. Elsewhere, General Ross is giving SHIELD the go-ahead and try to capture the Hulk. While the two beasts battle through New York, they are captured by what appears to be SHIELD’s helicarrier, but it turns out to be that of a Soviet spy agency led by Yuri Brevlov, Nick Fury’s Soviet counterpart. As SHIELD and the Air Force try to figure out what happened and try to track down the Hulk, Brevlov and his minions plot to use the Hulk and the Missing Link to their own ends. However, the Hulk breaks free from his cell and begins trashing the Soviet helicarrier, and fighting off Brevlov and his men. The Missing Link however reaches critical mass and explodes, destroying the helicarrier. Hulk and a ship containing Brevlov and his minions manage to escape. The Hulk lands near a home destroyed in their battle and finds a lone boy left alone. The Hulk picks up the child as Brevlov targets the Hulk and prepares to fire a fatal shot.
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