Synopsis for “Ten Rings Hath the Mandarin”
The Hulk is protecting a little boy from Yuri Brevlov and his men attacking him. The Hulk is able to shrug off all the shots. However, Brevlov’s ship is shot down by SHIELD who has managed to track them down and Brevlov is taken as their prisoner. Meanwhile, the Mandarin has targeted the Hulk to be used as a pawn for his world domination schemes. He transports the Hulk to his lair after the Hulk turns the boy over to some villagers. The Mandarin then tests the Hulk’s abilities to see if the Hulk truly lives up to the Mandarin’s expectations. The Hulk manages to pass all the Mandarin’s tests however when the Mandarin asks the Hulk to join him, the Hulk refuses.
Battling his way to the Mandarin’s throne room, the Hulk is about to attack him, when the Mandarin uses his rings to knock the Hulk into a pit of quicksand which the Hulk sinks into as he struggles to free himself.
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