Synopsis for “Vicious Circle!”
Jarella is placed in a special chamber for observation. Hulk thinks it’s a prison and starts breaking it all. Thunderbolt Ross and his men knock him out with gas. Doctor Kerwin Kronus thinks he can cure Bruce Banner by sending him back in time to the G-bomb site. If Banner reaches the pit in time, he would never become the Hulk. Bruce tells Jarella that she may not see the Hulk again. But Jarella tells him that she is in love with the person inside the Hulk. Bruce returns back in time and protects Rick Jones from the blast as planned, but he can’t save him. Rick dies and Bruce becomes desperate. He then decides to go back in time for a second time. He saves Rick’s life and receives the lethal gamma rays, returning everything to normal. He would rather save a friend than be rid of his monster side.
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