Synopsis for “Slave to the Power Imperious!”
MODOK tosses Iron Man aside to take on the Mad Thinker, who unleashes his android warrior. During the confusion, Marianne Rodgers links Iron Man’s and Black Lama’s minds, causing Iron Man to pass out. She then links Firebrand’s mind to Black Lama’s, convincing him to speed up his plans. MODOK defeats the android warrior, kills the Mad Thinker and snatches Iron Man. Black Lama appears and teleports MODOK and Iron Man to Yellow Claw’s fortress where Iron Man battles the Claw’s mobi-bot and mutant creature. MODOK joins the fight. He and Iron Man converge on the Claw, actually a projected image, colliding with each other when the image disappears. The Claw demolishes MODOK’s battle suit, apparently killing him, then fires a blast weapon at Iron Man only to discover he is an android duplicate. At his lab, the still-alive Thinker holds the real Iron Man prisoner, having substituted androids for the Golden Avenger and himself. Marianne contacts the imprisoned Iron Man and helps free him from his bonds, surprising the Thinker.
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