Synopsis for “The Power and the Fury!”
Too weak to stand, Iron Man is rescued by Jasper Sitwell piloting a SHIELD mini-jet. Meanwhile, Harry Key helps detective O’Brien break into Stark International. Iron Man recharges aboard the mini-jet and attacks Ultimo. As they’re evacuated, Hawk points out to his assistant that when Ultimo attacked, Stark’s automated security devices went dead: he wants a subpoena issued when this is over. As Iron Man fights, he remembers that Ultimo was previously defeated with lava. Krissy spots an intruder at Stark International and follows, but she’s attacked and knocked unconscious. Iron Man’s attache case is retrieved by Jon Rich as Iron Man begins to dig a tunnel with his repulsors. Ultimo follows him underground. Iron Man eventually hits a lava flow, trapping Ultimo. Krissy wakes up to find O’Brien in the Guardsman armor, planning to beat a confession out of Iron Man and Stark over the death of his brother.
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