Synopsis for “A Man’s Home is His Battlefield…”
As Iron Man fights Hammer’s army of super criminals Hammer reveals that he receives 50% of all their earnings for his support. As Iron Man handily holds off the villains Water Wizard flees the scene rather than face him. As the last of the costumed criminals fall, Hammer’s personal guard watches the Monaco police arrive in helicopters led by Rhodes. Hammer has the entire Villa move outwards into international waters but Iron Man smashes through the hull, sinking it. He retrieves Barnett and forces him to clear him of Kotznin’s murder. Although Iron Man’s name is cleared upon his return to the USA, he finds that his reputation has suffered and children are afraid of him. Tony returns to drinking and tries to call up Bethany for a date, but is too drunk to copy down her address correctly; when she does not appear he assumes she is snubbing him and he finds another date. When Tony drunkenly brings his date to Avengers mansion he winds up insulting Jarvis. The next morning Jarvis turns in his resignation to Tony. Tony begins to realize he has a drinking problem.
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