Synopsis for “Save the People — Save the Country!”
Caught in a sea storm during a Caribbean boating vacation, Tony Stark and Sandy rescue refugees from a small boat. They tell Stark their country is being run by a mechanical dictator called the Overseer, controlling the villagers to make them work. Stark investigates as Iron Man and quickly finds the Overseer’s citadel, using his black-light ray to conceal himself from electronic monitors. Once inside he is attacked by the robotic Myrmidon. Hearing their distant battle, the villagers suspect the Overseer may be in trouble; initially held in check by soldiers, when a boy named Santo is apparently killed by an automatic blaster, the villagers revolt. Iron Man defeats Myrmidon and sabotages the citadel: as it begins to explode, the Overseer’s creator, a tyrant who created the machines to rule in an efficient manner, reveals himself and is captured. The villagers want to kill him, but are convinced to show mercy when Santo proves to be alive. The next day Maria thanks Stark for sending Iron Man to help.
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