Synopsis for “Menace from Mars!”
In the year 2306 the first manned rocket to Mars returns with grim news that Martians are a warlike race considering an invasion of Earth but wish an envoy be sent from Earth before they make up their minds. You see, the Martians are bullies and don’t want to attack anything they can’t easily conquer. A scrawny brainy fellow suggests that he be sent, but the council is unimpressed, however they don’t have a better idea and so he’s off on his way to Mars with the fate of Earth riding on his shoulders. The seven foot tall Martian emperor at first mocks the puny Earthling, but he calls out for his spaceship cargo to be brought into the throne room, a gorilla, horse, and elephant. He demonstrates the physical power of each of the animals to the intimidated Martians and then shows himself to be their master and the Martians are so impressed they say they were “only foolin'” with their talk of invasion.
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