Synopsis for “The Day Loki Stole Thor’s Magic Hammer”
Neri, the hand-maid of Fricka, Queen of Asgard, passes Heimdall the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge that connects Asgard with Midgard (Earth). As he challenges her to identify himself, he remarks that she might be Loki trying to sneak past him. From nearby, Loki watches, chained to a tree by Odin, and snarls that he will yet get vengeance on Thor.
On Earth, as nurse Jane Foster leaves Dr Blake’s office for an errand, she passes a wounded jewel thief and his two partners. They enter Blake’s office and demand treatment. Distracting them, Blake taps his cane and transforms into Thor. Strapping the criminals to an operating table with surgical tape, he attaches it to his magic hammer and “throws” the criminals to the police station. He returns to the form of Blake just as Jane returns to the office.
One week later, Thor is helping with the filming of a Viking movie. He pretends to defeat a sea serpent while conjuring up a thunderstorm. Loki, watching from Asgard, uses his magic to magnetically attract Thor’s flying hammer to his uru chains, breaking them and setting him free.
Thor turns to Odin for help in finding his hammer. Transported to Asgard, Thor sets off in search of his hammer. When Loki uses his magic to attack Thor with giant trees, Thor makes a wooden hammer and fights them back. Next Loki sends a dragon against Thor. The Thunder God uses his finger to etch an imitation of his hammer from a nearby stone and drives back the dragon.
Realizing that the stone from which he made his imitation hammer is uru, the same magical metal used to forge the original, Thor throws the hammer. He hopes the same magnetic forces which drew his real hammer will also draw the imitation. He follows the flying hammer to his own Magic Hammer, laying in the fragments of Loki’s chains.
Informed by Thor of Loki’s escape, Loki is quickly recaptured by Odin, Heimdall and Fricka.
Back on Earth, Dr Blake prepares to use a rubber hammer on a patient’s knee. As Jane assures the patient Dr Blake is skilled with using a mallet, Blake thinks to himself that she does not know the half of it.
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