Synopsis for “The Mysterious Mister Hyde!”
Thor flies by, leaving town. Watching him is a mysterious figure who state that it is time for Dr. Don Blake to receive an unexpected visit for Mister Hyde.
Meanwhile Thor as gone to Asgard, where he again pleads with his father Odin for permission to marry Jane Foster. And again Odin refuses.
Hyde arrives at Blake’s office building, where he recalls how Blake had refused to employ him. So Hyde, real name Calvin Zabo, invented a formula which gives him the strength of 12 men. When he transforms, he because a huge, ugly creature.
In Asgard, Thor continues to plead with Odin, who when Thor raises his hammer towards him, blast Thor with an Odin-blast and then orders him away.
Mr Hyde breaks into Blake’s office and threatens Jane. Thor arrives as Don Blake and confronts Hyde. Hyde tosses Blake out a window. Blake is able to tap his cane against a wall as he falls, and transforms to Thor. He returns to the office to find Hyde gone. After assuring himself Jane is unharmed, Thor sets out to find Hyde.
Across town, Hyde hears that Blake is still alive. He gloats that he can still defeat the unsuspecting Thor.
Next morning Thor burst his way through a bank wall, tears off the safe door, and escapes with the money. As word of his crime spreads, the town as the feel of a city under siege…
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