Synopsis for “Menace from the Past”
Lo-Zar spots a group of natives fleeing from something his friend Papai calls a “menace from the past”, and goes to investigate. He comes across a tribe of Egyptians who fled their country centuries ago to live in the jungle. Their wiseman spots Lo-Zar and claims that he is the “Monarch of Evil” and orders his minions to attack. Lo-Zar puts up a fight but is easily captured and soon learns that this group fears the so-called Monarch of Evil, whose visage in effigies resemble Lo-Zar. According to their legends this group fears that the Monarch will slay their ruler Princess Keah.
Unwilling to harm the girl, Lo-Zar agrees to go with them and is chained despite his warnings that the chains will not work. As they head to a nearby cliff, Lo-Zar spots snake in a tree about to strike the princess and breaks free from his bonds and saves her life. Agreeing to go with them, Lo-Zar then saves the princess from a zebra stampede and later when she purposely jumps off the cliff meant for Lo-Zar, the jungle hero swings on a vine and saves her. Keah then reveals that she intended to kill herself so that Lo-Zar would not be put to death for her. However, realizing that their legends are false in light of the fact that Lo-Zar saved the princess three times, the wise man of the group proclaims that Lo-Zar is not the “Monarch of Evil” and orders the effigy smashed. Lo-Zar then bids farewell to the Egyptians and returns to the jungle.
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