Synopsis for “What Ever Happened to Captain Fate?”
Captain Fate and the crew of the Serpent’s Crown are back. When they rob a commercial airliner of it’s cargo and women, the plane ends up crashing in the swamps of Citrusville. There as the Man-Thing watches the ordeal, John Daltry and Barbie Bannister are made privy to the contents of the in flight recorder. They also find that Captain Fate’s Magus Sword was left behind in the attack, and they take it into their possession while they go to the Citrusville library to learn of it’s origins.
There they are attacked by Fate’s men, who have come to collect the sword, which they realize is the only thing that can kill the pirates. The more John uses the sword, the more he feels connected to it. Although they manage to escape the library, they are chased by Fate’s ship and eventually they and the Man-Thing are taken prisoner and escape into the sky.
This story is continued next issue….
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