Synopsis for “Nightmare on Bald Mountain!”
On Bald Mountain located in Rutland, Vermont, worshipers of Dormammu summon their master. Dormammu demands that his followers that a sacrifice must be made on Halloween in order to facilitate Dormammu’s entry into the Earthly domain, Dormammu then demands that Dr. Strange be used as the sacrifice. The followers attack Strange in his Sanctum Sanctorum in New York, and in spite of the best efforts of Strange, Clea, and Wong, Dr. Strange is subdued and captured by Dormammu’s followers.
Wong and Clea, with the aid of Strange’s astral form gather Namor and the Hulk to help save Strange’s mortal body. Travelling to Rutland where it’s their annual Halloween parade, the group battles Dormammu’s legions. During the battle, Strange confronts Dormammu in the Dark Dimension and fends him off, sealing the portal. An mystic explosion buries the followers of Dormammu, and the Defenders manage to escape unscathed.
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