Synopsis for “The Reprehensible Riddle of… the Sorcerer!”
A new villain known only as the Sorcerer is causing problems for Spider-Man. First he tests his power by giving Spider-Man terrible headaches, then uses his power to control Spider-Man and send him all the way to New Orleans where he forces him to battle a robot he calls the Synthetic Man. The Synthetic Man’s downfall comes when he attempts to send a taunting package to Spider-Man through the mail and the post office workers, assuming it’s a gag, return the package to sender. The mailman rings his doorbell, the very sound of the doorbell causing a malfunction in the Sorcerer’s equipment that feeds back into his brain, and apparently kills him. With the Sorcerer dead there is no one and nothing to control the Synthetic Man, who walks into the Gulf of Mexico and sinks to the bottom.
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