Synopsis for “Dark Moon Rise, Hell-Hound Kill!”
Nick Fury has responded to a personal call from one of his World War II soldiers, Ken. However, by the time Fury arrives at the mysterious Castle Ravenlock in Scotland, Ken has been killed and so has the lord of the manor Gavin Ravenlock. The two were reportedly killed by a ghostly “Hell-Hound” that lurks the grounds at night.
The dark mansion is joined by three psychic investigators: Mycroft, Countess Caution, and a young girl named Rachel. Rachel is especially sensitive to psychic phenomenon and other things unseen. Ironically, Rachel is blind. After several surreal encounters, Fury determines that the haunting of Castle Ravenlock is a ruse. Mycroft is actually Miles Van Croft, an escaped Nazi who had placed an underground submarine station at Ravenlock during World War II. Wycroft is slain in a skirmish with Fury; and in a strange twist of fate, young Rachel is determined to be the groundskeeper’s, Angus MacGregor, daughter.
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