Synopsis for “The Lost Mine!”
The Rawhide Kid is spying on the Fargo gang through a skylight in a abandoned building but can’t make out what they are saying. Getting closer to the skylight causes a piece of broken glass to fall down, alerting them to his presence. The Kid smashes through the skylight. While he manages to shoot the guns out of the outlaws hands, they manage to knock him out and leave the Rawhide Kid tied up.
Meanwhile back at the Kid’s home, his ward Randy Clayton and his friend Tad decide to go on a treasure hunt and leave a note for the Rawhide Kid telling them that they went down to the Panner’s Creek. There they find no trace of gold so they decide to go looking in the old mine nearby. There they run into Fargo and his men who take the boys prisoner so they do not expose their secret hideout.
Breaking free from his bonds the Rawhide Kid returns home and finds Randy’s note. Not liking the boy out while there are outlaws on the loose, the Rawhide Kid goes looking for Randy. He finds them inside the mine shaft and manages to get the drop on the outlaws, taking them prisoner and freeing Randy and Tad.
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