Synopsis for “Powder Keg”
The Rawhide Kid comes a cross his ward Randy Clayton and his friend playing with sticks of dynamite. Just as Randy throws one the Kid catches it and then gathers up all the sticks scattered around and douses them in a nearby river. Suspecting that a passing stage might have dropped them, the Rawhide Kid takes the boys into town to talk to the sheriff about it. In town, the Kid is told that a stage was due in town with a load of explosives, however the Kid believes that the coach will not get into town and goes to hunt for its trail. The Kid is unaware that a man named Clem has been overhearing and intends to stop his meddling.
The Rawhide Kid tells Randy and his friend to stay back in town as his mission is potentially dangerous and rides off. However Randy decides to follow anyway, figuring if he stays far enough away he won’t get into danger. Out on the range, the Rawhide Kid is jumped by Clem and his men who tie him up and take him to a nearby cabin. There Clem reveals that he intends to use the explosives to blow up a nearby rail bridge in the hopes of forcing the rail road to buy passage rights through his land. They then leave the Kid alone in the cabin while they go off to complete their job.
However the Rawhide Kid is freed when Randy and his friend arrive and the Kid rushes out to the rail bridge. There he shoots the match out of Clem’s hand and then forces his gang to stand down before the next train passes across the bridge unscathed.
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