Synopsis for “Beware! The Rawhide Kid!”
Rancher Ben Bart raises his adopted son, Johnny, to become the best possible gunfighter he can be. Johnny quickly adapts to wielding the twin “magic” colts and learns a variety of gunfighting techniques, including the “Road Agent’s Spin” and the “Border Shift”. Shortly after his eighteenth birthday, Ben sends Johnny into town to pick up the monthly provisions. While he is gone, two gunfighters named Hawk Brown and Spade encroach upon the Bart ranch. Hawk challenges Ben to a draw, but Spade distracts Ben Bart, allowing Hawk to get the drop on him. The gunslingers leave, leaving Ben’s body dead on the ground in a cowardly manner.
Johnny returns home only to discover that his beloved father had been killed. Tracking the murderers, he arrives in a nearby saloon where he finds Hawk and Spade. Johnny shoots the revolver out of Hawk’s hand, and fires two shots behind his head to disarm Spade (whose reflection he had seen in a mirror).
Determined to rid the world of people like Hawk Brown, Johnny leaves Rawhide atop his trusted steed Nightwind. He soon adopts the identity of the Rawhide Kid.
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