Synopsis for “Hawkeye and the New Black Widow Strike Again!”
As Tony Stark works away at making his armor stronger, the Black Widow (in a new costume) tracks down and finds Hawkeye who is testing new arrows. She tells him that following her disappearance (in Tales of Suspense #60) she was taken back behind the Iron Curtain and forced to do her government’s bidding through fear of her family being punished, they then equipped her with a new costume allowing her to scale walls and ceilings and bracelets that can fire lines to swing on. Following this she was returned to the States with orders to destroy Iron Man, and she had tracked down Hawkeye in hopes that he’d help her.
Later that night Happy and Pepper are out on a date, and Happy proposes to her, a question that Pepper needs more time to think about. They are soon attacked by Black Widow and Hawkeye who kidnap them and hold them hostage demanding that Iron Man show up. Instead Tony Stark does offering to trade them plans for secret weapons for Happy and Pepper’s freedom. Ordering one of her thugs to go over the plans, Tony uses this as a chance to create a diversion so that he can change into Iron Man.
He battles Hawkeye and Black Widow, sustaining significant damage to his armor thanks to Hawkeye’s arrows, however when the Black Widow is injured in combat, Hawkeye snatches her up and escapes to get her to safety, making the Widow fail at her mission. Iron Man soon makes his retreat so that he can change back to Stark and reunite with the others, where he is greeted very warmly by Pepper, much to Happy’s dismay.
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