Synopsis for “Crisis — At the Earth’s Core!”
Tony Stark is testing a brand new atomic powered earth-boring device, however the tests of such a device begins to anger nearby citizens who believe Stark’s inventions will eventually destroy everybody. Donning his Iron Man armor to test the new device, an earthquake causes a nearby building to collapse at the same time. People soon believe that Stark’s invention was the cause, and as a result people begin protesting, and a number of petty crooks decide it may be in their benefit to steal the device.
Breaking into Stark’s lab, they end up in a battle with Iron Man, who easily knocks them out, however just as he’s finished the entire Stark Industries factory also falls to through the Earth. Climbing out of the building which is mostly intact, Iron Man discovers that the Mole Man and his Moloids were the cause. Upon being discovered, Mole Man fires a missile at Iron Man which causes a cave-in in the underground cavern.. This story is continued next issue.
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