Synopsis for “Uneasy Hangs the Head..!”
Continued from last issue…
Failing an attempt at preventing Namor from using the Revitalizer Ray on Lady Dorma, Warlord Krang faces the wrath of the true prince of Atlantis. The Sub-Mariner beats the cowardly Krang into unconsciousness before turning the Revitalizer Ray on to heal Lady Dorma. Turning the device to full power, Namor succeeds in revitalizing his true love.
With Krang dethrowned and locked up, the people of Atlantis celebrate the return of their true ruler. During the celebrations, Namor asks Lady Dorma to sit by his side and asks Vashti the Elder to work as his adviser in the future, making him a Lord of Atlantis. After the festivities, Namor asks that Krang be brought to him for punishment. Much to Krang’s shock, Namor orders him exiled from Atlantis forever and is thrown out of the kingdom.
Just after Krang’s departure, Atlantis is suddenly shook up by a powerful quake. When the crisis is over, Namor believes that the damage was wrought by the surface men’s nuclear bomb tests and decides that it is time that he returns to the surface to fight for his kingdom of Atlantis.
This story is continued next issue…
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