Synopsis for “To Walk Amongst Men!”
Continued from last issue..
Following an undersea earthquake, Namor believes that the surface men have resumed their nuclear bomb testing and meets with his Royal Council on what to do. After much debate, Namor decides to err on the side of diplomacy and go alone so as not to start a cataclysmic war between the two races. Before Namor can depart on his mission Atlantis is rocked by another earthquake.
Saying his farewells to Lady Dorma, she asks if she might accompany him, to which he declines. He explains that he needs her to stay in Atlantis should the earthquakes revive the Behemoth, a giant creature that was made by Atlantean scientists to defend Atlantis from any devastating attacks that was buried beneath Atlantis years ago because it proved too dangerous for even the Atlanteans to control.
Venturing out into the vast ocean, the Sub-Mariner comes across a gigantic drill that is boring into the ocean floor. This device is being controlled by a group of surface scientists attempting to learn the origins of life on the Earth. The science team is led by none other than Henry Pym and Janet van Dyne, formally Giant-Man and the Wasp. Namor uses his massive strength to stop the drill and soon finds himself attacked by frog-men that are part of the military security that have been installed on the project. Out swimming them and rising to the surface, the Sub-Mariner warns them not to attack further.
The soldiers chose to ignore this warning and open fire, prompting Namor to climb aboard the vessel. Despite the fact hat he is surrounded by gunmen, Namor warns them from continuing their experiment further. However none of the soldiers and least of all Henry Pym are willing to listen to the Atlantean prince’s threats, Pym warning Namor not to interfere with their project.
This story is continued next issue…
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