Synopsis for “The Astonishing Ant-Man Verses the Mad Master of Time!”
Our story begins with Ant-Man rushing back to his lab, along the way he crosses paths with a young boy delivering a telegram and is almost flattened by it. After addressing the public, Ant-Man makes his exit. The boy delivers his telegram to Professor Elias Weems. Opening the envelope Weems finds that the telegram is from his grandson Tommy who is coming to visit him on vacation. Excited that his grandson is coming to visit Weems hopes to show him the many things he is working at at his job at Modern Scientific Research Company. However, as fate would have it, a week later, Weems is let go because company policy does not allow anybody to work for them past age sixty-five.
Angered by the fact of being fired only because of his age, Weems plans revenge against society for being so cruel and constructs a device that speeds up the aging process. Completing the device, he tests it out on a tree, a baby elephant, and a young woman before finding that it is perfect.
Calling himself the “Time Master”, Weems sends a letter to the police demanding control of the entire city or else he will prematurely age the entire population. Learning of this through his spy ants, Ant-Man manages to track down and confront Weems at his home. Weems uses his aging gun on Ant-Man and attempts to trap him in a flower pot. Weems then leaves to start aging the entire city, not suspecting that Ant-Man can free himself by growing back to his normal height.
Tracking Weems down, he finds the scientist on a rooftop aging the people in the crowd gathering below him. Ant-Man rushes to stop Weems, but Weems stops himself when he realizes that his grandson Tommy is in the crowd and has been prematurely aged as well. Attempting to reverse the process, Weems fumbles and drops the device off the side of the building, but it is caught by Ant-Man’s army of ants. Ant-Man then instructs somebody in the crowd to use the device to change everybody back to normal, and Weems surrenders to the police.
Pleading to the judge, Ant-Man and the owner of Modern Scientific Research Company convince any charges to be waived, and Weems is given his job back. Weems’ first order of business is to show his grandson around the lab where he works.
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