Celebrate the 4th of July with Comic Books!
Happy Independence Day! Take a break from all your festivities and take advantage of our Store Wide* 20%off Sale! Everything* is 20% Off Wednesday, July 4th including variants that come out that day! Special for Cosmic Comics Club Members get an additional 10% off you normal discounts.
We have a special Treat for all of you that got to see The Amazing Spider-Man already, from Sony and Colombia Pictures The Amazing Spider-Man Movie Promotional items. Free that right Free! All of these items are first come first serve get to the shop early!
This is a great time to start a new collection like Fables, 100 Bullets or Preacher. Search out thousands of Silver Age Back Issues to fill those holes in your collections. We have a massive collection of Batman and Detective Comics collections for you to read up on before seeing The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX at Brenden Theatres.
Celebrate the 4th of July with the symbol of America, Captain America. Read the awesome Brubaker run on Captain America, Brian Michael Bendis‘ take on Cap in New Avengers, or maybe Mark Millar‘s Civil War or Ultimates to see his take on the American Icon.
Don’t Forget the Man of Steel fighting for truth, justice and the American way! If you have not read All Star Superman by Grant Morrison you have missed one of the best Superman stories in the past decade. Finally for the younger generation DC Comics collected Alan Moore‘s Superman one-shots. A must read just like Moore’s Watchmen.
We also have a wide range of items to decorate your home or office on sale this 4th of July!
*New non-bagged comics not part of sale, exceptions do apply ask sale associate for details

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