The Beginning of the Silver Age of Comics Welcome to the first installment of JOLLY JIM'S JIBBER JABBER! THE SILVER AGE I first heard the term Silver Age of Comics in late 1965. I was living in southern California and there had been of late a barrage of publicity on the soon to debut Batman TV show. One of the local stations was doing a program about comics and the … [Read more...]
What We’re Reading!
Before Watchmen: Minutemen was a joy to read and Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre is sure to stand out this week! Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre also has a Jim Lee 1 in 200 Variant so keep your eyes peeled for that. Tickets for The Dark Knight Rises went on sale this week starting the Dark Knight Hype. Heroclix is cooming out with is own mini set of Dark Knight figures that run … [Read more...]
Extermination #1 Review
Extermination #1 Review Here's a quick hit for a book that should be under your radar but probably isn't. Extermination #1 from BOOM! Studios dropped this week and can be yours for almost free. Extermination puts two unlikely heroes, and I use hero loosely since one is actually a villain, thrust together to try and stop the "extermination" (play on words hehe) of man kind. … [Read more...]
The Dark Knight Rises Tickets On Sale June 11
See The Dark Knight Rises Before Anyone in Las Vegas! A little Birdy told me, if you want to see The Dark Knight Rises 2 days before any one else on the largest and best theatre in town, then you need to buy your tickets for the IMAX showing at Brenden Theatres. They will be one of 20 or fewer theatres to show the film how director Christopher Nolan wanted it shown. Over … [Read more...]
Before Watchmen Minutemen getting excellent reviews!
Before Watchmen Minutemen Reviews Before Watchmen Minutemen #1 is getting some fantastic reviews! Have you checked out this prequel series yet? You should!!! I wasn't sure what to expect going into this series. The original Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons had so many great characters. Every panel of the graphic novel had depth and was an important part of the … [Read more...]
The Minute of Truth
Minutemen #1 Review "Chapter One: Eight Minutes" It's been a little over two decades since the legendary Watchman hit store shelves and shook the comic book world from the ground up. Now DC has the difficult task of following up a comic book that was thought could never be followed, or even matched for that matter. So, tasked over the next few months, the "Before … [Read more...]
New Comics!
Before Watchmen, The Walking Dead, AvX, & more! Before Watchmen is here! Whatever your feelings are on DC Comics adding to the Watchmen story line, trust us when we say that you'll want to read these new stories. Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1, written and illustrated by Darwyn Cooke (who did an awesome run on The Spirit) is the first Before Watchmen title to … [Read more...]