Low #1 review Rick Remender takes you to new depths and beyond the twenty thousands leagues in Low #1, his newest Image Comics title. Low #1 is yet again another post apocalyptic comic book, and I know this seems like a beat down piece of subject matter, but I can assure you Remender's take on this genre is a breath fresh sea air. The sun has grown and made living on the … [Read more...]
Winter Soldier. Fury Espionage.
Winter Soldier #1 review Winter Soldier just in time for Captain America: Winter Soldier. I assume though that this storyline has little to nothing to do with the upcoming movie. Winter Soldier #1 "The Bitter March" also has little to do with the Winter Soldier himself. I'd actually call it more of a Nick Fury title than anything. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, the … [Read more...]
Captain America Saves Babies NOW!
Captain America #1 Review "Saga of Dimension Z" Marvel NOW! has been mixing it up throughout the Marvel Universe, super heroes teams not only getting new members, but also getting new creative teams as well. Well, Captain America is taking it one step further, he's changing his dimension. In a strange turn of events involving a one way subway trip to an alternate … [Read more...]