Happy New Comic Book Wednesday everybody! Your friendly neighborhood Dork Knight is here with some exciting news for the 80s lovers out there!
Local artists, The 80s Kids, stocked the shelves over at Cosmic Comics in Las Vegas last night with some of their most popular prints and stickers so you can buy their “Totally Bodacious Art!™” there when you pick up your new comics today and every day thereafter while supplies last!
Some of you may be asking, “Just who are The 80s Kids and why should I care?” Well, I’m glad you asked. The 80s Kids is a collaborative art duo co-founded by Las Vegas-based artists, Ryan Brunty and Jacob Gallegos. The two focus on minimilistic, pop art-infused digital prints based on 1980s pop culture, including but not limited to video games, movies, music and tv shows. In essence, the two make Totally Bodacious Art!™ They have recently added comic books to the mix with their Galactus inspired piece and an upcoming surprise piece that they will unveil at Cosmic Comics for Free Comic Book Day this May.
Speaking of comics, one of the new comics out today is the latest offering from Jonathan Hickman over at Image Comics and it’s a title I think everyone should check out, East of West #1. East of West is a Sci-Fi Western set in a dystopian America where all hope for the future rests in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse… who just happen to be trying to kill the President of the United States.
PREVIEWSworld recently chatted with Jonathan Hickman and he offered the following summary of his latest Image title:
“East of West is a story about that feeling we’re experiencing collectively right now, as a society, that the world is in a bit of a death spiral. The tagline of the book is, “The things that divide us are stronger than the things that unite us.” You know, the end times are imminent and we all hate each other too much to come together and solve our problems. Our final destination is imminent, and it is the Apocalypse. And then, in the face of all that despair and gloom, somehow there is still hope. That’s East of West.”
I don’t know about you guys, but that definitely sounds like something I’d be interested in reading. Click here to read the entire interview PREVIEWSworld had with Jonathan Hickman.
Also out today is the highly anticipated Guardians of the Galaxy #1 written by Brian Michael Bendis with artwork from Steve McNiven, John Dell, and Justin Ponsor. The buzz on the Internet is that this reboot will help make the series more movie friendly than its previous run. Brian Michael Bendis has brought Iron Man on board for the comic (and it’s rumored to be the same for the movie) to “make the transition into this cosmic story a little easier.”
Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters next year, but you can learn about Star-Lord, Gamora, Groot, Drax and Rocket Raccoon by picking up this comic today. Cosmic Comics not only has plenty of copies, but they have plenty of variants too (pictured below). In fact, when you buy a variant you get a FREE Scottie Young lithograph (also pictured below). When you get the standard issue it comes with a FREE Guardians of the Galaxy trading card.
Guardians of the Galaxy Variants
Be sure to get on over to Cosmic Comics in Las Vegas and #getyourfix while supplies last!