tokidoki, marvel frenzies, tokidoki marvel frenzies

Tokidoki Marvel Frenzies are back in stock!

Tokid0ki Marvel Frenzies are back in stock at Cosmic Comics!

tokidoki, marvel frenzies, tokidoki marvel frenzies
Tokidoki Marvel Frenzies are back in stock!

We’ve been sold out of the cute little Tokidoki Marvel Frenzies for a few month’s now and the result has not been pretty. Distraught customers have been roaming in almost daily looking more like zombie’s from AMC’s The Walking Dead than happy comic fans. Fret no more citizens of Comicland because Cosmic Comics! is here to save the day! We just received a fresh supply of these addictive little Marvel Comic mini figures but they’re sure to sell quick! Rumor has it that Tokidoki has not renewed their license on their Marvel Frenzies line so odds are this will be the last order we receive. Even though the demand for Tokidoki Marvel Frenzies is high, we will be keeping the price at low at $5.99 each for a limited time. Not only can you buy them in the store at that great price but we’ll also have them for sale this weekend at the Las Vegas Comic Expo in the Riviera Hotel and Casino down on the Las Vegas Strip. Look for Cosmic Comics! at booth #700 & #702 right across from the premiere signing table.

For Tokidoki Marvel Frenzies, #getyourfix at Cosmic Comics!

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