Watch “Brave” with your ears!

Brave in Dolby Atmos

Brave, Dolby Atmos, Brenden TheatresBrave opens June 22nd and Brenden Theatres is the ONLY theatre in Las Vegas with the new Dolby Atmos sound system. It is unlike anything you have experienced in a cinema before. You hear the film in a more life like setting. 64 speakers are used individually to bring you beyond surround sound. If it is raining you will hear the rain drops over your head and all around you. If there is a ball bouncing from behind you to in front of you the bounce will travel across each individual speaker in a realistic manner. Between the 3D technology making you feel visually inside the film, you will watch the movie with your ears for every direction with Dolby Atmos.

“The most significant development in audio since the arrival of surround sound is here. Dolby® Atmos™ delivers audiences a more natural and realistic soundfield, transporting them into the story with a lifelike sensory experience. Developed with input from professionals throughout the movie industry, Dolby Atmos represents a dynamic shift in audio, reinventing the traditional surround sound methodology and offering a complete platform for sound now and well into the future.”



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