What We’re Reading!

May 30th 2012

Ravagers, Gen13, Teen Titans

DC Comics Has more New 52 Titles Ravagers #1 looks to be pretty kick as you can check out a sneak peek at USA Today and here’s a list of other sneak peaks from DC!


Batman, Chip Kidd, Dave Taylor


Batman:Death by Design is also one to check out. A beautifully written and designed book by Chip Kidd with art from Dave Taylor. Follow Batman as he tracks down who is trying to destroy Bruce Wayne‘s vision for Gotham.


The Walking Dead, Image ComicsThe Walking Dead, you know how much we love this series and you may have heard we’ve seen the show once or twice. Issue 98 “Something to Fear” partII leads up to the Amazing 100th Issue of the Walking Dead. This is what Brian had to say about it “Someone dies! All action Issue!” Nuff said!

Zombies, Horror, Banned ComicsMore Zombies but this time in the form of nostalgia zombies. Zombies (Chilling Archives of Horror) collects banned 1950 era zombie comics from true masters of horror. Remember these were banned at one point by the senate so buy it for fun, BUY IT FOR FREEDOM!

Big Bang Theory, Lenard, If zombies aren’t your thing maybe making coffee from a vacuum is, or making a robot to clean your room? Well here is the game for you Big Bang; the Party Game!

See you in the funny pages #GetYourFix at Cosmic Comics!

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