What We’re Reading!

Before Watchmen, Silk Spectre, DC ComicsBefore Watchmen: Minutemen was a joy to read and Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre is sure to stand out this week! Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre also has a Jim Lee 1 in 200 Variant so keep your eyes peeled for that.

The Dark KNight Rises, Heroclix, BatmanTickets for The Dark Knight Rises went on sale this week starting the Dark Knight Hype. Heroclix is cooming out with is own mini set of Dark Knight figures that run thru the entire film triology. These Heroclix figures are perfect for fans of the movies, comics or gaming.

Don’t worry Marvel Comics has its own tie into Sony Pictures’ Amazing Spider-Man with a new book Spider-Men. Its written by Brian Michael Bendis who has a monopoly on Ultimate Spider-Man, so look forward to a new kick ass story.

Massive is new series from Brian Wood. Massive is a title you’ll want to read and be glad you got in to early.

Brian’s Picks of the Week: Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre, Green Lantern, Batman & Robin, Avengers Assemble, Uncanny X-Force

Jim’s Picks of the Week: Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre, Amazing Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, The Boys, Avengers

Bulldog’s Picks of the Week: Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre, Batman, Massive, Captain America

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1 thought on “What We’re Reading!”

  1. Pingback: The Silk Spectre follows the highly reviewed Minutemen!

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