THOR, Nite Owl, Hit-Girl

What We’re Reading- New Comics

This Week 6-27-12

Nite Owl, Before Watchmen,

Here is this week’s “What We’re Reading” Recommendations from the Cosmic Crew on great New Comics to try out or come back to. With reviews and awesomeness for your personal fulfillment!

The Next installment of Before Watchmen is here. This time we get to find out Nite Owl II‘s story from Micheal J. Straczynski. You may know him from his run on Amazing Spider-Man for 5 years or maybe a little TV Show Called Babylon 5. He is a power house to say the least and the Nite Owl’s story is in his very capable hands. After last weeks stellar issue of Before Watchmen: Comedian from Brian Azzarello and J.G. Jones, Before Watchmen: Nite Owl is sure to please.

Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #12 concludes the Two Cities, Two Worlds story and will be the last written by Johnathan Hickman. He has done a great job so far on the Ultimates and this issue is sure to be explosive

Hit Girl has her own book coming out this week. This will add to Mark Millar‘s Kick Ass world and should be one of his more interesting books, since Hit Girl has stolen the show from Kick Ass.

Brian’s Picks of the Week: Before Watchmen: Nite Owl, Fatale, Spider-Men, Marvel Zombie Destroy!

Jim’s Picks of the Week: Before Watchmen: Nite Owl, FF

Bulldog’s Picks of the Week: Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates, Before Watchmen: Nite Owl, Hit-Girl, Manhattan Projects

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